How can I create an account?
To create an account, simply visit our sign-up page and fill out the required information in the registration form.
How does the Affiliate program work?
Our Affiliate program is a powerful opportunity for you to earn additional income. It features 3 levels of commissions for referrals, with a tiered structure of 2%, 1.6%, 1.3%. Simply refer others to our platform,
and you'll earn a percentage of their investments at each level. It's a great way to grow your earnings as you introduce more people to WEB_NAME.
What payment methods does the platform accept for deposits?
We accept a variety of cryptocurrencies for deposits, including USDT (TRC20), USDT (BEP20), USDT (Polygon), Solana, ePayCore, Matic, BitCoin, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, TRON, BinanceCoin.
What is the minimum deposit amount?
The minimum deposit amount: $25.
What is the minimum withdrawal amount?
The minimum withdrawal amount is $10.
After you make a withdrawal request, when will the funds be available in your e-currency account?
All withdrawal requests are processed instantly.
I have more question.
Please, contact us via email admin@WEB_NAME.